Dear Lamb of God

Thurs 2:10 AM
Aug 24, 1989

Dear Lamb of God,

I know there are times when my prayers seem to be so repetitive - a very great many times.  But I do love you Jesus, and I thank You for saving me, and giving me a desire in my heart to live for You.  When I think back to what I was, and how I was when You saved me, I am so ashamed.  I wonder how You could love me, but, oh Dear Jesus, I am so glad You do.  I make so many mistakes, Jesus, and I fail You many ways and many times, but Your Word tells us You know our frame, that we're but dust.  You know our heart God, and You know we do try.  Please Jesus, lead, guide and direct us.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer.  Thank You, Lord.  I love You Jesus.

Jessie Lee Harris